Sonia G. Designer Pro Brush Review & Photos

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Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro
Sonia G Designer Pro

Designer Pro

Sonia G. Designer Pro Brush ($46.00) is a small-to-medium-sized cheek and face brush that’s a bit flatter but still dense, plush, and rounded along the edge. Per the brand, it is supposed to work with “blush, blush toppers, highlight, sculpting” and “performs in a more airbrushed way” but avoids “harsh edges” and is better at “diffusing” and “blending.” It has a curved ferrule, which was described as helping to achieve the efficiency of the brush.

If you’ve read about my favorite blush brush reviews, you’ll know that I have an affinity for slightly flatter (but not floppy or too thin) cheek brushes over the more classic, moderately-dense, dome-shaped brushes (though they have their place). The brush is incredibly soft and smooth, where it can be used in any direction with any level of pressure yet the bristles moved as one. The denseness coupled with the shape was what made it more standout compared to other cheek brushes.

The flatter surface works well for picking up products on firmer and denser formulas, and I’ve found it is better at picking up with less disturbance for more powdery products, though I’d still use a lighter hand and concentrate product on the edge/tip of the brush (or else it can pick up too much product!). It offered a lot of control, though, because it held its shape and didn’t fluff up much at the edge, which was still more feathery and airy in feel.

The actual edge of the brush has an airier quality to it, which gives it some spring and flexibility that helps with spreading and diffusing product over the face. I’ve found myself using the brush primarily for sheer to medium-coverage blush application, highlighters of all types and finishes, and applying translucent powder underneath my eye. It can be used for more circular motions, but the shape lends itself more to tapping, patting, and sweeping/sliding motions.

  • It is made out of brown-dyed, saikoho goat hair.
  • 165mm total length, 33mm hair length, 15x11mm ferrule width

It released originally earlier this year in October, and it’s been restocked this morning. The first one I received was a press sample, and I ended up buying a second one during the original release as well (since I liked it as much, not that I need more brushes or anything!).

Designer Pro

PPermanent. $46.00.


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Jane Avatar

I have Wayne Goss almost flat Air-Brush that I use for these types of highlighter, slight blush looks and I do not like it. It’s too flat. This seems a little more dense and oval versus flat, so perhaps it would work better for me. I’m probably the odd ball here, but though I like Sonia and Wayne’s brush most in all that I have, I prefer Wayne’s for eyes and his great n° blush brush and Sonia’s for feel, looks and blush (even though it’s ever so scratchy on my cheek, I like the shape). What’s your take on the differences with her eye brushes (not the blue line) vs. his? Oops, maybe I shouldn’t ask that here?

Christine Avatar

I’m not sure what you mean by my take? They’re both good brush ranges; as with the majority of brushes, it comes down to the type of shapes, sizes, handles, bristle type, etc. that will work best for your eye shape/size and how you like to apply your makeup – like if you like sheer washes of color than a super dense brush that packs on pigment will never be “good” for you 🙂

Jane Avatar

Sorry, just returning back from vacationing catching up. I mean’t who’s eye brushes (before the blue set) did you prefer (from a general feel of your past articles, I’d venture to say Sonias and if so why, in general)? And yes, you’re right on eye shape and brush structures and hair all matter in the choices and preferences. I like a medium coverage, definitely not a light wash, but not a PMG poster child either. ;). And my eye shape is normal with a to be more an more hooded aspect due to age, as I have a lot of upper lid area I can cover and enjoy up to four colors at the least whenever I do it up! I don’t like scratchiness (as I’m finding that I’m becoming a tad more sensitive in the eye area).

thirteenthirteen Avatar

Ooooh I might get this. I had a cheapo elf brush in about this size that I used for highlight that just flat out broke, and I was thinking of replacing it with a much nicer brush. I had looked at Sonia G. highlighter brushes but they all seemed to be fan brushes, which I’m not super into. I don’t have any of her brushes but I have wanted an excuse to try them for awhile! (I try to maintain a small brush collection – they all live in a single cup and I don’t want to outgrow that space.) Thanks for your hard work as always, Christine!

Laura Libner Avatar

I was so bummed that the Sonja G Blue eye set was sold out in 10 minutes post release.
It was one I really wanted.
Maybe they’ll release singles in the near future.

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