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Deborah S. Avatar

So, I went and looked at the RMS blushes and they are beautiful. They remind me a bit of the Haus Labs blush/highlighters. If you have tried the Haus Labs ones, how do the formula’s compare? I swatched the Haus Labs ones while I was in Vancouver and they were quite reflective. I didn’t pick any up because they looked like they might be too reflective for a blush and the shades were all really to dark for me to use as a highlighter. So basically, what is the formula for these? Are they really sparkly? Thank you again.

Deborah S. Avatar

I don’t think I need to answer this question!! I bet everyone knows my answer. Fantaisie de Chanel Spring 2023 blush release. I am still tempted. There is something magical about how it sits on the skin and just melts in and it is my perfect blush shade. A tiny bit of coral and a lot of pink. Just enough to make it more interesting. Time will tell if I cave. The seller offered it to me at $127 which is kind of funny as the asking price is $130.95. I do wish it wasn’t in Japan only in that I would be worried it would arrive completely shattered. I can’t find any here in the USA except for much higher prices.
Honorable mention to the Gucci blushes. I have several of them sitting in my cart and just haven’t pulled the trigger. They are not cheap either at about $70 bucks a piece but I could almost get two at the price of the Chanel.

Cara Avatar

I’m on a blush no-buy but beforehand, I bought 2 of the new Patrick Ta duos, She’s Giving and She’s Wanted. I was worried Wanted would be too deep for my vampire pale skintone but it’s beautiful with a very light hand.
The one still calling to me is Tower 28 Dream Hour but I have too many bubblegum pink blushes and I’m not a huge fan of the formula so I don’t know why I still want it lol!

Deborah S. Avatar

No, I am in the USA but had a gift card from Harrods that was given to me when I was in Europe in 2018!! I never saw anything cheap enough that the card would cover both the product and the shipping charges except for this blush and a Hermes Highlighter. The shipping was $30 for the two products! Anyway, that is why. I am looking forward to trying it and if I love it, which I assume I will, then when the Sephora sale comes around, I will get more. I picked the one I liked the best so that if I don’t get any others, I will at least have the one I really love.

Helene Avatar

I’m still longing to buy Cryostasis from Lethal Cosmetics, I also want Carnation, Pansy and Aster, though I think Aster and Cryostasis would be quite similar. They aren’t expensive at all, I just have had to many very boring bills to pay, and more to come, with the inflation this hasn’t been my most fun year, economically. Not that I complain, at least I don’t need any makeup, or any clothes, I just want! 🙂

LK Avatar

The Suqqu blushes from their autumn collection. I am struggling within because I have 2,5 weeks of no-buy left, and the blushes may be gone by the time my no-buy is over. Then again, what’s the point of a no-buy if I cave in as soon as the first tempting thing comes along? My no-buy is supposed to be only 4 months so I’m a little disappointed if I can’t pull this little break through.

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