What do you like about sheet masks? What don't you like?

Dr. Jart+ 7 Day Mask Experiment Kit @ <a href=https://www.temptalia.com/what-do-you-like-about-sheet-masks-what-dont-you-like-2/Sephora%22 data-lazy-srcset="https://www.temptalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/holiday-2019_sephora-holiday-rouge-preview_006_promo-550x550.jpg 550w, https://www.temptalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/holiday-2019_sephora-holiday-rouge-preview_006_promo-350x350.jpg 350w, https://www.temptalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/holiday-2019_sephora-holiday-rouge-preview_006_promo-150x150.jpg 150w" data-lazy-sizes="(max-width: 550px) 100vw, 550px" data-lazy-src="https://www.temptalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/holiday-2019_sephora-holiday-rouge-preview_006_promo-550x550.jpg" />
Dr. Jart+ 7 Day Mask Experiment Kit @ Sephora

Tell us what you love and hate about...

Sheet Masks

I really enjoy them, but it is a lot of single-use packaging, so I definitely will feel guilty. I just remind myself that as someone who tests a lot of things out and flits between products, everything that goes into a full-size jar of a mask that doesn’t get used isn’t exactly environmentally-friendly either.

— Christine


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Lauren Avatar

I have stopped buying them as I am trying to eliminate single-use items from my life as much as possible. I really enjoyed the Sioris Make It Bright masks while I used them, but I live the bottle serum life now lol. I’d have to check but I think those masks and their packaging were maybe marketed as recyclable? Even so, I prefer products that can sustain many uses, and it’s a little more cost-effective too!

Z Avatar

Love how moist, wet, and drippy they are. I have sahara skin that I’m beginning to suspect doesn’t actually make any oil or moisture on its own. So, yeah, that’s the nice part of sheet masks.

Downside is how horrible they are for the environment so I don’t buy them. I haven’t purchased one in years and won’t again in the future. Single-use products with a lot of waste packaging are a complete no-go for me. Maybe a reusable silicone one would be something to check out, but until then, I’ve rekindled my fondness for cream masks.

Wednesday Avatar

I do not use them at all. If I am looking to take my skin up a notch, I use my Nuface day of.. and use Sisley double tenseur as a primer. That said, good timing because I am interested right now in something that can help decongest my eyes, my allergies are horrible this spring and my allergy med and allergy drops are not sufficient. There are self-heating ‘masks’ you can use.. some of which are individual use. Your post is helping me put the pin in on the more expensive, but reusable option.

Genevieve Avatar

I have only used one once – which says something in itself. I felt that my skin was hydrated, but I didn’t notice a huge difference though. My daughter in law loves them and uses them more regularly. I often get samples of these when I get the goodies skincare bags from Priceline (when you spend more that $80 at the shop you get a free skincare bag), which the shop offers on occasions.
The single use aspect is a concern, but I don’t think with these kinds of products they can be anything else.

Donna Avatar

I have always disliked them.

I hate the feeling of them on my face, or even the ones for use under the eyes.

Give me a proper face clay or cream for the face, you rinse off. For the eyes, I want one that I can use all around the eye. The sheet type ones seemed to take over, especially with the eye area, and so it is mainly trying to find a salon brand. I have to go to a department store to get them, places like Space NK just do not sell brands that do them. Clairns it the on one I have been using for a while now.

Ana Maria Avatar

I love nothing, I hate everything. 😆
My problem is that I can’t stand an wet fabric / tissue on my face. Just the idea makes my skin crawls.
And theoretically I hate how wasteful they are… but since I wouldn’t use them even if I had them, this is a minor factor.

Audrey Avatar

I definitely prefer sheet masks because they are much faster easier and less messy to use then the jar masks. There are some biodegradable/compostable masks and packaging now so those are an environmentally friendly alternative to a plastic or glass jar. The downside would be when they don’t fit my face right. I love doing masks a couple nights a week as a relaxing activity. My daughter and I like to do masks together but she feels the opposite way and only uses jar masks

Jen Avatar

Big nope. I love jar masks and I even enjoy the under eye masks, but, for me, a full face mask experience cannot in any way be described in terms more generous than disgusting. It’s the texture, the cold, drippy over saturated product drooling all over my face that makes the entire experience very uncomfortable. I think, if I had more control over the amount of product used I’d have a better opinion so I’m on the lookout for a reusable one where you apply your own product to your skin then place the mask on top to hold it in place.

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