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Don't Miss Websites - and's Gift Finder

HauteLook is a private club which organizes exclusive 48 – 72 hour on-line private sales for its members. Held only for the top designer brands in the fashion industry, HauteLook provides an exclusive platform where these brands can reach their customers directly. As a result, HauteLook members are able to receive discounts of up to 75% off of retail prices on the latest fashion merchandise from the comfort of their home or office. Prior to each sale, an invitation will be sent to members announcing the brand and the date the sale will start. Exclusive HauteLook streaming videos are produced for each brand, and are available for viewing prior to, and during each sale. These videos include backstage footage from our brands fashion shows, interviews with the designers about their collections and inspirations, and/or snapshots from the brands upcoming collections. Each video will be unique in its viewpoint, so keep checking back.

These event driven sales are reserved exclusively for HauteLook members – that’s why you should join!  Signing up for an HauteLook membership is free. To become a member and begin receiving invitations to upcoming sales, sign up here.

InStyle’s Holiday 2007 Gift Finder is a great set of gift guides and shopping ideas for several personality types.  Now, I know you haven’t missed any of Temptalia’s gift guides (more to come!), but check out InStyle’s for even more ideas!  See their ideas for:  The Trendy Friend, The Classic Lady, The Fellas, The Professional, The Vampy Vixen, The Free Spirit, The Jet Setter, The Urban Dweller.